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Maternal and child health study

We know better, so let’s do better

Pregnancy is a risky business in Texas. Our mothers die due to pregnancy-related complications more often than most third-world countries, leaving many children without a mom. We know that diet and health behaviors are major contributors in this crisis. Mom’s diet and other exposures during pregnancy are the best predictors for who will suffer from chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease and diabetes later in life.

In Texas, we have a rich and timely opportunity to lead the way in understanding maternal diet and child health – we have the population size and diversity, and we have many different dietary patterns that are essential to paint a complete picture for the nutritional landscape.

The IHA is working with Texas A&M AgriLife to establish a brick and mortar clinic in Fort Worth, in the heart of Texas A&M University’s downtown expansion. We are targeting 2028 for clinic completion.

