Tag: precision nutrition
Texas A&M AgriLife institute awards $1.5 million for diet-related research
An award of $1.5 million to 15 new associate members of the Texas A&M AgriLife Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture, IHA, will support the new members’ research on responsive agriculture, precision nutrition, and social and behavioral healthy living to improve public health.
Aggies tout agricultural research in combating diet-related chronic disease
The event, “Ag Solves When Aggies Solve,” highlighted how Texas A&M AgriLife researchers rapidly are advancing this idea and featured keynote addresses by Chavonda Jacobs-Young, Ph.D., U.S. Department of Agriculture chief scientist and undersecretary for research, education and economics, and Howarth “Howdy” Bouis, Ph.D., 2016 World Food Prize laureate.
Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture hosts first research workshop
Stakeholders discussed human nutrition programs, needs and priorities…
Agriculture Nutrition Workshop
On August 1-2, the IHA held its first workshop to engage selected key stakeholders from the food-ag value chain. Working to focus food systems on improving human health, while supporting the environment and economy, the IHA used this workshop to engage production agriculture groups to further understand priorities, gaps and opportunities in precision nutrition, responsive…
Journal of Nutrition: Sex Differences Across the Life Course: A Focus On Unique Nutritional and Health Considerations among Women
Dr. Regan Bailey was a co-author for this editor’s choice article…