Past Events
November 3, Chicago, Il:
Conference on Agriculture for Health
The IHA partnered with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs to host a “Conference on Agriculture for Health: Priority Setting to Solve the Ultimate Grand Challenge.” The event drew experts from higher education, agriculture, government, and the private and nonprofit sectors.
The IHA hosted a celebration of agriculture as the solution to diet-related chronic disease in a way that is environmentally sustainable and economically viable, highlighting how Texas A&M researchers are rapidly advancing this idea into reality. The event had over 150 guests in attendance, with guest speakers Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young, Chancellor John Sharp, Dr. Howarth Bouis, Dr. Patrick Stover, Dr. Yuxiang Sun, Dr. Regan Bailey, Dr. Marco Palma, Dr. Beth Racine, Dr. Bill Rooney, and Dr. Sunil Dhoubhadel.
On August 1-2, the IHA held its first workshop to engage selected key stakeholders from the food-ag value chain. Working to focus food systems on improving human health, while supporting the environment and economy, the IHA used this workshop to engage production agriculture
groups to further understand priorities, gaps and opportunities in precision nutrition, responsive agriculture, and social and behavioral research.
Bringing together over 50 people from over 30 different organizations, representing commodities nationally and in Texas, the two-day event gave production agriculture groups an unprecedented opportunity to share and discuss their human nutrition research programs and priorities.